Monday, July 15, 2019

One Last Time!


I know I have been so bad at writing. This past transfer has been insane. I have never been so tired in my life but I wouldn't want to go out any other way. I love this assignment that I have. 

I was able to go with two of my previous companions this week. Elder Gloschat who I was companions a year ago and Elder Wraught who I just finished training last transfer. It was great to be with both of them. I love them a lot and I'm thankful for their diligent service to the Lord. 

Words cannot begin to express how much I have loved my mission. The past two years I have been converted to the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. I love Him and I know He lives. I have seen miracles. I have experienced things that leave no question in my mind that God is there and that He loves His children. Some of those experiences are too sacred to share. 

I love Ohio. Because this is where I learned to love the Lord. I am going to be sad to leave here next Wednesday but I trust that the Lord will take care of me wherever I go. I know He is watching out for me. 

God lives and Jesus is the Christ. I know that. 
Here's to one more week. I'm gonna leave it all out on the field. 

For one last time,
Elder Collier 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Road Trips!

Hello! This week was the first week of training visits for Elder Bennett and I. It was quite the adventure! I have never been so tired in my life but I have seen the Lord's hand in each day. He is looking out for me and strengthening me! 

Tuesday: We had Mission Leadership Council. My last MLC of my mission. I shed a tear or two when we sang the mission song at the end. Words can't express how much I love my mission. Elder Bennett and I gave a training and it went really well. We are witnessing a huge culture change in this mission and it is a great sight to see. The Lord has raised the bar and He is going to bless us like crazy. We just need to step up. After MLC all the training specialists and President and Sister Stratford went to the temple. That was a great experience and exactly what I needed to begin this assignment. 

Wednesday: We were in Canal Winchester with Elder Schreiter and Elder Hammond. I went with Elder Hammond for the day! We spent most of the day in Circleville and went finding. We got let in by this awesome couple named Sue and Jim. It was cool to be in their home and teach them. Elder Hammond is a great young missionary and I am excited for him to continue to grow. 
Thursday: We were in Reynoldsburg with Elder Miskin and Elder Whitcomb. I was with Elder Miskin for the day! He is a stud. It was such a great day. We found some awesome people to teach including this man named Lee. He was on the phone when we talked to him but as soon as we told him what we were doing he hung up the phone and listened. He has been struggling with his faith and it wasn't a coincidence that we talked with him! He was so excited to hear about the Book of Mormon and how it can help him grow closer to Christ! It was such a great experience. 
Friday: We were with the Reynoldsburg Nepali speaking Elders. They are a trio, Elder Garner, Elder Nye and Elder Pakwal. I was with Elder Nye and Elder Pakwal for the day. I don't speak any Nepali but it was a great day! It was so cool to hear them speak and testify of Christ and even though I couldn't understand what they were saying the Spirit still testified that it was true. They are great missionaries. 

Saturday: We were in New Albany with Elder Michels and Elder Vaughn! I was with Elder Michels for the day. It was good to be back with him. I have served around him when I was in Youngstown. This day was one of the best of my whole mission. We talked to lots of Swahili speaking people. Elder Michels knows a little bit of Swahili but we needed to use translators a lot of the time. We ended up finding 10 new people to teach including 2 families! It was amazing. The Lord led us to the right people. It was a really great day. It felt like I was serving in a different country but it was so cool. 

I love my new assignment. I love my mission. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I am exhausted but He is lifting me on His shoulders. 

Monday, June 3, 2019


That is the only word I can think of when I think about this week. 

When you serve on a college campus you don't get too much variety. But this week we had some of that! 

We got to do two service projects which was great. We helped these people move on Thursday and we got to do some yard work on Saturday. The move was something else. The home hadn't been cleaned in 30 years... so you can imagine how that went. 

But the best part of the week was meeting with Niki after church on Sunday. That was the most powerful experience of my mission. She is taking amazing leaps of faith to join the church. She is sacrificing so much because she knows this is true. She told us the first time she met with us that she would never feel the feelings that we described to her. But she has completely changed, the Lord has manifested the truth to her through the power of the Holy Ghost. She has felt the Spirit so powerfully. I have seen first hand the Lord performing His work. I am so thankful for this experience. Words can't describe this experience. I lived the scriptures yesterday. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. No doubt about it. 

Have a great week!

Elder Collier 

Monday, May 27, 2019

I'm Still Alive!

Sorry for the lack of emails! Talking on the phone with my family makes me forget to send emails!

Well, to give an update, I am still serving on the campus of Ohio State! Things are going really well here even though it's the summer! It's a lot slower but there's still people to talk to so that's good! Elder Wraught is doing great and I am a proud trainer. He impresses me every day! 

We are teaching this awesome girl named Niki! She loves church and she loves learning more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She says that she feels so peaceful every time she learns. That's what happens when learn of and apply the teachings of Jesus Christ! We are filled with the Spirit of the Lord which brings peace. Niki came to church again this week and she brought one of her friends! She said that she loves what she is learning so much that she wants to share it! She now knows how we feel and why we serve missions. It's great! 

I got to go on exchanges with my buddy Elder Oettli this week who I am going to be rooming with in college. We went down to my favorite place in the Newark area... buckeye lake. It's really interesting town that has a beach town feel even though it's just on a lake. It took me back to my first exchange in Newark almost a year ago... I was with Elder Stephens and we spent all evening in buckeye lake. What a great day! Also, it was 50 cent corn dog day at sonic this week so naturally I ate 7 corn dogs in one sitting. 

I finished the Book of Mormon again last week and I knelt down and asked my Father in Heaven again if it is true. His spirit manifested to me that it is true. That knowledge has changed my life. I know that Jesus Christ truly is my Savior and I am thankful for Him. I began reading the Book of Mormon again and I am determined to finish it by the end of my mission. I have been cruising through it and marking every reference to the Lord Jesus Christ. Through 43 chapters there is 806 references to the Savior. That is about 9 per page. Everything about the Book of Mormon testifies of the reality and divinity of Jesus Christ. Who wouldn't want that? I am so thankful for that book. 

I promise that I am still alive and still on my mission everyone haha! I wouldn't trade my mission for anything. I am so thankful for this experience. 

Elder Collier

Monday, March 25, 2019

OSU Round 2!

Hello! Sorry it has been a little bit since I have written for the blog! This past week or so has been great. 

I had to say goodbye to Dublin on Thursday... but Now I am back on THE Ohio State University. I was not expecting to come back here but I am glad I'm here! I'm training a brand new missionary. His name is Elder Wraught and we already get along well. He is from Caldwell, Idaho. It's been a whirlwind to get doubled into campus but a little over a year ago I got doubled in here with Elder Morse so I've done it before haha! Speaking of Elder Morse... he's on campus too! He's the district leader here. It's so fun to be reunited with him and I'm excited to go on exchanges. And my buddy Elder Brinkerhoff is here too! We are all here and we are all training. It's such a great time. After we are done having a blast on OSU, we'll all have a party in Orem/Provo. Life is good. 

My last week in Dublin was amazing. Mainly because Carlyn was baptized! That was one of the best days if my life. I was so happy for her! She was so happy and it was such a joyful and peaceful service. I had the privilege of baptizing her and it is a life changing experience. By being baptized she made her first covenant with God. The covenants that we make with God bring His power into our lives. He will always keep His promises and when we keep our side of the covenant His blessings far outweigh whatever sacrifices we have to make to keep the covenant. I am so happy for Carlyn to start on the covenant path that leads back to our Heavenly Father. 
She is doing so well! She already has gone out teaching with the sisters and did a great job. Life is good. I was really sad to say goodbye to her and all of the great people I met in Dublin but I know I will see them again! 

That is a very short version of what happened since I last wrote! Missions are crazy and they are the best. I love my Savior and I am so thankful for the joy that comes from living His gospel. Again, life is good. 

Love you!
Your son,
Elder Collier

Friday, March 8, 2019

Popeye's is underrated!


Sorry for not writing an email for the blog the past two weeks! The good news is that I am still alive and still loving life. Dublin is a good place and Elder Johnson is a great companion. 

This week was pretty solid. Didn't spend a ton of time in Dublin though!

After preparation day ended last week we felt prompted to go to this part of town called New Dublin. It is where all the rich folk go to drink and to have fancy dinners and such. I don't typically like contacting there because people aren't always the nicest but we were obedient to the Spirit and went anyway! I'm thankful we listened to the prompting because the first person we talked to was so cool! His name is Rich and he was super interested and down for us to stop by. The one problem was that he lives in Kentucky. But when we told him missionaries are there he was super excited and gave us all his contact info and we sent the referral to the Kentucky missionaries! It was really cool to see the Lord place us in the right place at the right time for someone that is prepared to receive the Gospel even though he is from Kentucky!

On Wednesday we went up to Delaware (the town not the state) and went to my buddy Elder Oettli's district council. He did a great job. He is probably as good at giving district councils as Donovan Mitchell is at basketball (I know you're reading this Elder Oettli). After the meeting I got to go on an exchange with Elder Dwyer! He is a great missionary. I enjoyed it a lot. In the evening we went up to Marion to help those Elders out a little bit. But before that we got Popeye's for dinner. Let me tell you, Popeye's is underrated. We split a 30 dollar box between the four of us and there was plenty of food to go around. 16 pieces of chicken, 8 biscuits and 3 sides. You can't beat that. Good stuff. Anyway, after we scarfed down our food we went to work. The goal was to set as many appointments for the Marion Elders as possible. Elder Oettli and Elder Johnson dropped Elder Dwyer and me off in some place in Marion (where neither of us had ever been before) and we went to work. Marion is a great place. Super sketchy but it's great. We talked to so many people. We met this awesome lady named Christa and we taught her and her son about the divine mission of Jesus Christ. It was powerful as we bore simple testimony of our Savior that a 6 year old could understand. They were both really excited to learn more and they met with the Marion Elders on Saturday. I'm so excited for that family. 

On Friday I got to go to Polaris and be reunited with my previous companion, Elder Colt Johnson! It was so great! I've missed that guy. It was nice to work together again and reminisce on the good times in Johnstown and all the lessons we learned. We had a great day and we talked to some great people. The next morning we went and played soccer with some members of the Polaris ward and their friends! It was so fun and it was just like Elder Johnson and I playing soccer with the New Albany 2nd ward gang every Saturday when we were in Johnstown! Good times. Later on in the day on Saturday I was reunited with my current companion Elder Johnson (too many Elder Johnsons haha) and we went to work in Dublin. We went contacting at the park and we played basketball with some guys and played football with some guys in our shirts and ties. Good stuff. 

Yesterday was so great! I love church and feeling the spirit there. The girl that we are teaching named Carlyn bore her testimony in church! It was simple but so powerful. And she told the congregation that she is gonna be baptized this month. It was so cool. She is so courageous and it is inspiring. Also that day we went and talked to lots of people and we met this lady and got to meet her Springer Spaniel! Not as cute as Rushmore though. 

So that was my week! It was a great one. I am thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope that it brings. I'm thankful for the infinite number of second chances that our Savior gives to us because I sure need a lot of them. Even though I'm imperfect He still loves me perfectly. I'm so thankful for that. 

Have a great week! Thanks for all you do, Mom! I love you! 

Your son, 
Elder Collier 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

No Emails for 2 weeks!!

Hey everyone! Since the change 2 weeks ago, we have been able to video chat with Elder Collier instead of having to email. So as a result, there haven't been any emails the last 2 weeks. But we did want to share 2 experiences that Elder Collier shared with us and wrote out for us.

Sammy’s Journal entries from Johnstown, Ohio
He had been out on his mission for about 7 months…
“I was reading some of my past journal entries this evening and I found something very interesting. Here are some excerpts from an entry on March 26th 2018 when I was serving in Johnstown: "Rough day to be honest... We went to our lesson with Penny and she dropped us... We tracted for about 2 hours and literally no one was interested. It is hard to stay positive. This is a difficult area. (What he doesn’t say here, is that he was also going through a tough time personally. He was about as low as he could be and some things that he thought were going to be in his future, had been totally changed, but he trusted in the Lord and continued to be faithful) But we are going to have the faith to turn it around." In another excerpt I said this: "I guess now is the time to learn how to more fully rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ." 

Then here are some excerpts from a few months later:
June 14th 2018: "Johnstown is alive!! Things are happening!!" 
June 27th 2018: "this week has been great! We have experienced miracles like crazy. Three people on date in Johnstown now. That's amazing! It is an awesome feeling to have Johnstown be alive. It was so dead for so long."

I learned SO MUCH from serving in Johnstown. That place was as dead as dead could be. At least, that's what I believed. As soon as Elder Madsen and I decided to put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ things started to pick up. Elder Johnson came in with a ton of optimism and faith and helped out a ton. The Lord transformed a "dead area" into one that was flourishing. I can testify to you that no area is a dead area. Every area can baptize. If you are serving in an area that you or other missionaries have labeled "dead" I invite you to ignore that label and put complete faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a God of miracles and if you follow Him your area will change.

Sammy’s story he shared with us this Monday when we talked to him. 

We were out talking to people and we talked to this one lady who was taking groceries in her house. She recognized who we were and told us that her sister in law is a member of the Church and lives in Rushsylvania. Well, I served in the Bellefontaine Branch so I know the only member family that lives in Rushsylvania! The branch president's family that I was really close to! It was great to make that connection and build that relationship of trust. After talking about that and our faith for a little bit she invited us back tonight to meet the rest of her family! It was a miracle! I am the only missionary left in this mission that served in Bellefontaine (Because Bellefontaine is now in the Indianapolis mission)… So I am the only missionary that could have made that connection. Brothers and Sisters, there is a reason why you are serving wherever you are serving! The Lord has placed you there for a reason!!

One Last Time!

Helloooo  I know I have been so bad at writing. This past transfer has been insane. I have never been so tired in my life but I wouldn&#...